Reindeer Hot Cocoa Cones
Give the ones you love this toasty treat
By Megan Murray Elsener

Around the holidays, homemade presents can be the perfect thoughtful gift for teachers, party hostesses or friends. Deliver these adorable parcels on a cold winter day to spread some extra holiday cheer!
• Hot cocoa powder mix
• Mini marshmallows
• Mini chocolate chips (optional)
• Googly eyes
• Red pom-poms
• Brown pipe cleaners
• Clear piping bags (found at local craft store)
• Two-sided tape
• Rubber bands or twist ties

1. Fill your clear piping bag two-thirds to the top with powdered hot cocoa mix.
2. Add mini marshmallows on top of the powdered mix. Also add mini chocolate chips, depending on your hot chocolate preferences.
3. Using either a twist tie or rubber band, securely close the top of the piping bag after adding marshmallows and chocolate chips, leaving some of the bag at the top gathered together.
4. Tightly wrap one brown pipe cleaner over the twist tie or rubber band. Use another pipe cleaner to create reindeer antlers.
5. Make a face halfway down the piping bag by using two-sided tape to gently secure two googly eyes and a pom-pom nose.
Megan Murray Elsener is a Chicago mother of three.