Make Your Own Homemade Bouncy Balls
By Megan Murray Elsener
Put some spring into your step with these simple homemade bouncy balls. They require just a few materials from around the house, only take five minutes to make, and provide hours of bouncy fun for the kiddos. The measurements will make one bouncy ball and it’s best to make just one at a time.
1. Add 1 Tbsp. Borax to ½ cup warm water and stir well.
2. In a separate container, mix 1 Tbsp. cornstarch with 2 Tbsp. glue, and food coloring. You can use white school glue or clear school glue. We also tried glitter glue, which worked but made a more textured ball.
3. Scoop the colored glue mix into the Borax mix and stir well for about a minute for the glue mix to absorb some of the water. There will still be water remaining.
4. Using a spoon, scoop the glue mix out and start to form it into a ball with your hands. It will feel messy and sticky at first, but slowly start to come together and firm up as you keep rolling it.
5. The more you roll the ball, the firmer it becomes. It should have a consistency of thick silly putty. Bounce away!
6. To keep, store in a Ziploc bag so they don’t dry out. The balls can lose their shape, but can easily be reformed.
• 1 Tbsp. Borax detergent booster
• ½ cup warm water
• 2 Tbsp. white school glue or clear school glue
• 1 Tbsp. cornstarch
• Food coloring

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