Forging Outdoor Fun
by Diane Turner Maller
I knew I was doing something right when my eight-year old daughter exclaimed, “I love camping!” Grinning wide through a mouthful of…
Forging Outdoor Fun
by Diane Turner Maller
I knew I was doing something right when my eight-year old daughter exclaimed, “I love camping!” Grinning wide through a mouthful of…
Camp Can Transform Your Child
by Heidi Smith Luedtke
Parents spend a lot of time trying to motivate kids. We use chore charts, checklists, reminders and rewards to get them to…
Summer Camp 101
by Gayla Grace
Summer camp offers all kinds of fun and character-building experiences for kids of any age. Whether you’re looking…
Camp: The Antidote for Summer Learning Loss
by The American Camping Association
Almost all children experience some degree of learning loss in the summer…