Who Reads Your Ad?
She’s a loving mother driven to find what’s best for her children. She is married, 35 years old and has two children, ages 3 1/2 and 7. She owns her own home and probably drives a suburban, minivan or SUV. She is a college graduate, and her combined family income is well over $53,000. She reads this magazine approximately 30 minutes or more a month, and keeps it on the kitchen table for easy reference. She has read each of the last four issues and very frequently makes purchases as a result of the ads she sees in the magazine.
And she is busy! She has one child in preschool and one in elementary school. Her children take music lessons, karate and dance, plus they play soccer and baseball. They go to after-school care and summer camp. The family has a multi-media computer, internet and a DVD player in the home, takes vacations yearly, enjoys local entertainment and eats out often.
Her family is in the acquisition stage of life. She is the person in the household primarily responsible for most family purchases–from automobiles to airline tickets to furniture to the next new home.
This profile is a composite of our readership. Please refer to our Demographics for specifics.